15 June 2009

Basic Travel Vocabulary for Spain

Here are the basic Spanish language words and phrases needed for travel in Spain. As with most European countries, locals appreciate the effort to speak their native tongue, so ignore your anxiety over speaking imperfectly, and jump right in...this will help you connect with others on your travels, and lead to some fun, memorable moments, too!



Buenos dias

Buenos tardes (2-10 PM)

Buenos noches (after 10 PM)

Mucho gusto (Pleased to meet you!)

Feliz Navidad (fay-leeth nah-bee-dahd) Merry Christmas

Feliz Ano Nuevo (Happy New Year)

Buena suerte (good luck)

Gracias and Muchas gracias

De nada (You’re welcome)

Por favor (also what you say to get the attention of a bartender in a tapas place)

Usted ed muy amable (You are very kind)
Lo siento. No comprendo (I am sorry. I do not understand)
Habla usted Ingles? Do you speak English?

Habla solo un poco de Espanol (I speak a little Spanish)

Perdone (pehr-doh-nay), donde estan los servicios (dohn-day ay-stahn los sehr-bee-thee-ohs) is Excuse me, where are the restooms?

Donde esta…? (Where is…?)

Buenos dias. La reserva para NAME para tres noches. Me llamo NAME (for checking in our hotels)

Una mesa para dos, por favor (A table for two, please)

Un momento, por favor

Tiene…? (Do you have?)

Me/Nos gustaria… (I/We would like…)

Barra (counter), mesa (table), terraza (terrace)

Un pincho (bite-sized tapas), una tapa (larger tapas), and una racion (x-large serving)

Una cana (small draft beer)

Cerveza de barril (beer on tap)

Agua mineral sin gas (water without gas)

Café con leche

Uno mas, por favor

Caliente/frio (hot/cold)

Corto/largo (small/large)

Pescado (fish)/Marisco (seafood)

Verduras (vegetables)

Churros con chocolate

Todo estuvo muy bien (Everything was great)

La cuenta (the bill)

Le pagamas ahora (Can we pay now?)

Cuanto cuesta? (How much does it cost?)

Recibo (receipt)

A que hora? (At what time?)

Nos hace (ah-thay) una photo? (Would you take a picture?)

Un billete/Dos billetes

Es tan bonito (It is so beautiful)

Perdone, donde hay un cajero? (Excuse me, where is a cash machine?)

Una balsa, por favor (a bag, please)

Dios mio! (My goodness!)

Arriba/Abajo (up/down)

Bueno/Malo (Good/Bad)

Sin salada (no entry)

Iglesia (church)

Beso (kiss)

Te quiero (tay-kee-ehr-oh) I love you)

A _____, por favor (To ______, please – for taxis)

Aquiesta bien (Here is fine – for taxi’s to drop us off)

Dos billetes para Toledo, de iday vuelta (Two tickets to Toledo, round trip)

Donde esta la esctacion? (Where is the station?)

Via is train track; coche is train car; transbordo is transfer trains; horario is schedule; hora salida is departure time; anden is platform; destino is destination; con retrasso is late train.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emigrate to spain is a great idea. Because Spain is very beautiful country. Most of European visit here because its very enjoyable place.